SATURDAY 21st October, 1987
Jesus Cricket Pavilion
10 a.m.

As last year, the Annual Garden Party took the form of a breakfast. A marvellous repast was arranged by the President, which included croissants, butter and jam; chicken, sausage rolls, a variety of fruit and dishes of strawberries and cream. The party – about fifteen people, including the Master of Magdalene College and his wife, stood or sat on the ricketty steps in front of the pavilion and looking out across the cricket fields towards the buildings of Jesus. There was some combination of business with pleasure, as arrangements for the running of the Society next year were concluded. At the end of the party the members of the Society took their leave of each other, some for the last time as undergraduates.

Charmian Leaver

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    Last updated May 15th, 2000