Thursday, 12th March, 1987ST John's College
3.00 p.m.
  1. Those present: the President, the Secretary, the Senior Treasurer, the Junior Treasurer, DR Marquis-Hirsch, David Babington-Smith, Esq.

  2. The Secretary's Report – attached.

  3. The Junior Treasurer's Report – attached.

  4. Matters arising from these.
    1. Names will be written under the Dinner photographs.
    2. The Junior Treasurer said that there should be more members; 7 have joined so far, hopefully 11 by end of year. Small deficit over the year. Dr Wright suggested a receipt system for all payments by members. A slip would be supplied for each cheque. One cheque for the speaker.
  5. Determination of next year's subscription fees – remain the same.
  1. Election of new committee:
President: James Sergeant, Esq. (ST John's)
Secretary: Mark Collins, Esq. (Peterhouse)
Junior Treasurer: David Babington-Smith, Esq. (Trinity)
Committee: Paul Fox, Esq. (Gonville + Caius)
                  John Horton, Esq. (Churchill)
                  Mark Myers, Esq. (Fitzwilliam)
The Committee remains the same next year, but David Babington-Smith was elected Junior Treasurer on the retirement of Mark Myers.

  1. The Garden Party will be a breakfast, as usual with a charge for members wishing to attend. It was suggested that older past members should be sent invitations. Hopefully the Jesus Cricket Pavilion will be available again this year. June 20th was set because 13th was thought too busy with exams, etc.

    It was mentioned that June 10th would be the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Society and that this event should be marked with a celebration. A tea party was proposed for the day and this should be free to members, suggested Mark Myers. Notice of this extra event will be forthcoming.

  2. Suggestions for events next year: Malcolm Innes, Lord Lyon King of Arms will be the first speaker next term. ST Edmund's House grant of armorial bearings will be in late October.
    – The Duke of Norfolk? – College of Arms – Mountbatten Lecture for Michaelmas Term and more significant with more people – Visits to libraries in Cambridge (Corpus + Pepys). DR Luckett for speaker + visit in afternoon. – Armorials in the U.L. – David Babington-Smith suggested an "open meeting" for tracing families. Richard Marquis-Hirsch suggested Phil Ward, Queens', for heraldry draughting. – Mark Myers, Fitwilliam Museum for heraldry. – Babington Rooms, Nevill's Court, Trinity, for possible meeting.

  3. Date of next Committee meeting soon after 6th October, '87 (Full Term) but one should be held at the beginning of Easter Term.

  4. Members enjoyed DR and Cedric Holyoake very much, also pleasure was expressed at Thomas Woodcock's informal talk.
    The Thirkill Room, Clare College, was suggested for 10th June, 6 p.m.
    It was decided that the Society should advterise each meeting next year – also use Stop Press at the start of the year. Friends could be invited – 50p for a glass of port, in the hope that they will join.

D. Mark Collins

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    Last updated May 23rd, 2000