Saturday 9th March 1985Caius, 3 p.m.
  1. Apologies
  2. Secretary's Report
  3. Junior Treasurer's Report
  4. Determination of next year's subscription fees
  5. Election of new committee
Nominations:For President –Nicholas Cox (Magdalene)
For Secretary –Charmian Leaver (Newnham)
For Jr. Treasurer –Andrew Scott (Robinson)
For Committee –Mark Nash-Williams (Trinity Hall)
                        –John Horton (Churchill)
  1. The Society Tie
  2. The Garden Party
  3. Suggestions for events next year
  4. The Cambridge Armorial
  5. Any other business

The meeting was held in the President's rooms where he provided us with a delightful tea. Those present at the meeting were:

Paul Fox
Robert Pinkham
Dr Wright
Nicholas Cox
Charmian Leaver
Andrew Scott
John Horton

Apologies were received from Mark Nash-Williams.
The reports of the Secretary and Junior Treasurer were read and discussed briefly.
The above nominees were elected by the society for 1985-86. In addition the Society unanimously elected Paul Fox as ex-officio member of the Committee.
The President reported that there are still some Society ties left for sale.
It was decided that the Garden Party would be at the Pavilion, Jesus College sometime in May week.* [* Saturday 8th June 9.30 AM]
After a brief discussion of events for next year the society was told by Dr Wright that the Cambridge Armorial was on its way to the publisher and would be available sometime this summer.

(After hearing the Junior Treasurer's report, the Society next decided that the subscription fees for 1985-86 will be: £3 1 year; £4.50 2 years; £6 life.)

Robert B. Pinkham

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    Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society
    Last updated May 21st, 2000