Tuesday 12th June 1984O1 New Ct., Emmanuel
4.30 p.m.


AgendaSecretary's MinutesJunior Treasurer's ReportSecretary's Report


  1. Apologies.
  1. Secretary's Report.
  1. Junior Treasurer's Report.
  1. Election of the new committee.
  1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution:
  1. That article 4, which states that "Persons elected to the offices of Patron, Vice-President or Honorary Vice-President shall be deemed automatically to have been elected Honorary Members of the Society for life".
  1. That article 7, which states that "The Society may at an A.G.M. elect distinguished heraldists or genealogists as Honorary Members of the Society" be amended to make it necessary for such a candidate to have given a number of years of service to the Society.
    It is proposed that a statement should also be included which says that Honorary Membership is for life, and the incumbent will not be expceted to pay any subscription.
  1. That article 12, in which the subscription rates are stated, be re-written as the following: "The cost of subscription will be determined at the A.G.M. The cost of one year's membership will be exactly half that of life membership, and that for two years will be midway betwen the two. Members joining for one or two years may subsequently increase this to two years or life respectively, upon payment of the difference at the new rate. Non-University members cannot join the Society for life, but can pay the equivalent to life membership, which entitles them to be members for three years only."
  1. Election of new Honorary Life Member(s) and Honorary Vice-President(s).
  1. Determination of subscription rates for 1984-85.
  1. Next year's programme.
  1. The Cambridge Armorial.
  1. Any other business.

The meeting followed the Garden Party in the Paddock at Emmanuel, in the vicinity of the Henry Moore statue and the duck-pond. The college provided us with some very nice sandwiches and strawberries and cream, which was all washed down with large quantities of Pimms. Twenty members and guests were present for this, and the weather was as agreeable as the company.

Those present at the A.G.M. were as follows:

Dr G.H. Wright
P.N. Whittome + Guest
P.A. Fox
C.L. Marsden
Andrew Gough
R.F. Brown
N.J.E. Rogers
Christopher Anton
S.P. Morris
Joy Titterington
D.E. Roberts
M.R. Smith
Peter Gilliver

Apologies were received from David V. White and Robert Pinkham.
The Reports of the Secretary and Junior Treasurer having been read, the election of the new committee took place, and the following people were elected:

For President, Paul Fox, Gonville & Caius
For Secretary, Robert Pinkham, Jesus
For Jn. Treasurer, Simon Morris, Trinity
For Committee, Joy Titterington, Newnham
                         Hilary Dugdale, Selwyn

Articles 4 and 12 of the constitution were amended in the manner proposed in the agenda. Article 7 was not amended because such a provision was deemed to be unnecessary.
Mr Cecil R. Humphery-Smith was elected as Honorary Vice-President of the Society and Mr David Peace, M.B.E. was elected an Honorary Life Member.
The subscription rate for 1984-85 was set at £2.50 for one year, £3.75 for two years and £5 for life.
We then waited for a short while for Dr Wright to conclude his telephone conversation about the Cambridge Armorial with Mr Humphery-Smith. He reported that all that now remained to be done was for a contract to be drawn up with the publishing company Orbis. Sponsors had been found who were willing to lend us in the region of twenty-thousand pounds so that publication can go ahead in the next year. The book is to be in colour.
Finally, the question of the Society tie was discussed. Messrs Ryder and Amies offered to produce some more at a cost of three hundred pounds to the Society, which Dr Wright very kindly offered to lend.
The meeting closed at 5.20 p.m.

Paul A. Fox

C.U. Heraldic & Genealogical Society
Summary of Accounts for academic year 1983-4 (to 31st May)
Profit and Loss
Interest on Dep. A/c4.43
Annual Dinner315.00
Profit on trip2.00
Members' contributions to dinners with guests27.25


Port for meetings31.13
Guests' dinners38.25
Annual Dinner (incl. menus etc.)316.55
Guests' travelling expenses18.80


Loss for the year6.63
Balance Sheet
Balance at start of year165.65


Loss for the year6.63


Balance carried forward159.02

Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society

Mr President, Honorable Members,

I look back on what has been a successful and enjoyable year, all the speakers having been of the highest calibre; and all went without a hitch apart from the unfortunate change in the date of our outing. It is true that a railway strike and a slipped disc conspired to threaten two of our meetings, but good fortune prevailed and the meetings went ahead.

The quality of the Annual Dinner, as I thikn all who attended would agree, was even better than we dared to hope, and it is a great shame that more members of the Society did not attend.

I turn now to the state of the membership. We have fifty members if you in clude the Patron, as indeed we should as he likes to involve himself as much as he can. There are 33 members in residence at the University, of which 19 joined this year, plus 2 fellows and 14 others. Our publicity to attract new members included a poster in every college, a squash, a stall at the Societies' Fair, and a note sent to everyone who expressed interest at the fair. I cannot say how successful these were, but they certainly made us feel a lot better.

Finally, I would like to thank those members who dined guest speakers in their colleges, where the value for money was very good, and, moreover, we could not survive financially without this facility being available to us. Thanks must also go to the President for supplying us with some splendid new writing paper at his own expense, and for other benefactions which will go unrecorded in the accounts; to the Senior Treasurer fro his continuing support, may it never end, and how dull would the life of a Committee member be without his little notes; and last but not least to the Junior Treasurer for struggling to make sense of my convoluted requests for cash with patience and good humour.

Paul A. Fox
Gonville & Caius College 9.VI.84

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    Last updated May 8th, 2000